Google May 2020 Core Update Officially Over – Time for a Do-Over?


Google May 2020 Core Update Officially Over – Time for a Do-Over?

The response to Google's May 2020 Core Update has been largely negative, as large brands rank in Positions 1 and 2 for a wide range of keywords.

Google May 2020 Core Update: Early Observations

Google May core algorithm update is one of the biggest since 2003. Many people have reported more losses than gains. Some people suffered as much as 90% drops in traffic in one single night.

My sites were also not an exception here either. So in this video, I go through my 3 main observations about what this core algorithm update may be all about. Keep in mind that this is just purely from my observations, after taking time to analyze some of my few sites and competitors. Also, as core updates like this usually take about 3 weeks to 1 month to fully rolled out, whatever happens right now may not be the case in the next few weeks from now. So the observations may not be 100% accurate.

The intention here is to only provide my points of view and to hopefully guide you in the right direction.

If you have seen anything different than what I describe in the video, feel free to share your points of view in the comment section. I would really appreciate it.

Google Core Update May 2020: Biased for Amazon, Etsy & Pintrest

Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan has declared that the May 2020 Google Update rollout is officially over. What that means is that the process of rolling out the update around the world is done and the search results should now be stable.

The response from the search community indicated a perception of problems in Google’s search results. Many are expressing a negative sentiment for the May 2020 core algorithm update. The overwhelming sentiment about this update was of dissatisfaction.

What’s strange is that Google seems to associate Etsy with the word “handmade” and ranks Etsy for almost anything with the word “handmade” in the keyword phrase. It’s as if the entity of Etsy is closely associated with the word handmade.

A few examples out of many queries dominated by Etsy:
handmade fishing flies
handmade socks
handmade bongos

Handmade Bongos is a keyword phrase that is dominated with two results from Etsy, two results from eBay, and one each from Pinterest and Amazon.
(For detailed analysis, please look into the video)
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Google May 2020 Core Update Analysis & Findings | Charles Floate SEO

My findings on the May 2020 core algorithm update that has shaken the SEO industry over the last fortnight. Check out my eBook –

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Google May 2022 Core Update Shook Things Up (Here’s What I’d Do)

Google’s algorithm updates are the bane of most bloggers’ and SEOs’ existence. But they don’t have to be. Core updates especially tend to shake up the SERPs but you can come out on top more often than not by creating the right kind of content. Today I’ll break down the May 2022 Google Core Algorithm Update to help you understand what happened and how you can recover and minimize the impact of future updates.

Content Warrior Writing Service:
Google’s Press Release:

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